Promotional Merchandise Thinking Out Loud

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Zoom can’t replace face to face, can it? 

The events industry has been hit incredibly hard and whilst many cross over to virtual meetings, they can’t replace the spontaneous networking opportunities and experience of a face to face event. The buzz and energy created at an event doesn’t translate the same on-line, albeit a fantastic Plan B.

Time for a change of approach 

Brands spends months planning and creating an experience for visitors attending their stand at events. Big budgets can be spent in the pursuit of inciting visitors to their stand and starting the sales journey. Events are a key date in the calendar to also meet with current customers and talk industry new with peers. Can this be replicated on a virtual event?

 Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do 

If you don’t show up, you won’t know so there is nothing to lose by joining a virtual event and with many relishing the flexibility this format of networking offers, no sore feet walking miles and hectic commuting required, it’s an attractive alternative.

 The post office is still open

Whilst you might not be able to present your stand or hand out gift bags in person, you can still send items to those working from home. Letterbox packs filled with items to make the virtual meeting comfortable or easier are obvious choices. The virtual visitor is going to really appreciate the effort in creating an experience at home for them.

People buy people first, product second

Lockdown has been a different experience for everyone though we’ve all been in it together. Brands that have gone out of their way, showed emotional warmth and continued to engage with customers have had the strongest recovery. Customer loyalty has never been so important or reliant on the full branding experience.

Be brave, do different and focus on how you can manage your sales funnel